AgExpert Accounting Ideas

When changing percentages for Enterprises, it should only change in year adjustment made not previous years.

as at Jan 6, 2023 using Ag-Expert using version 2023-01-01 when you change the percentage for enterprises it affects all past years records making the computer files inaccurate when checking back previous years, thus all accounting records are inaccurate when you want to look back on your desktop computer program.

Example is; we used to do Custom work, Spraying and Combining, etc as well as farm our own land, so I had set up categories to reflect what we were making in each enterprise, some of the categories were divided up as a percentage belonging to that enterprise within the company example Clear Diesel -Farm, there are other categories as well such as Accounting and Legal Expense that were portioned off to reflect each enterprise.

We no longer do custom work so when I tried one category

-I used CLEAR DIESEL FARM changed that percentage from 60% Farming and 40% Spraying to 100% Farming

I checked to see how it reflected the Income & Expense Report, well it made them inaccurate!

It removed the Clear Diesel farm from every year on the 5 year comparison report

Same as if you enter percentage it goes back on but for all the years which would also be incoreect if you have expanded in a certain enterprise.

Basically you need to change the program so that it correctly reflects the % of expense/income apportioned to a particular year. make it so that when you change percentage it affects the totals in that expense/income account for the fiscal year it is entered and stays at that percentage until it is changed which may be 3 years.

we occasionally like to look back on the desktop computer to see what we made with the spraying (or whichever category) now I that we are no longer doing this custom work I cannot change the percentage categories all o farming as it will incorrectly affect all years. I would to put all percentages to farming 100%, i know how to do that but then it wrecks past years history.

Once you fix this flaw, I would appreciate getting that version, currently I am subscribed until April unless you grant me a free year if this issue is not resolved sooner.

I just happened to come across this, hopefully you will have it fixed in little time.

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    AgExpert Accounting Specialist commented
    November 27, 2023 14:47

    Hi Doris, That is correct. This feature is designed differently between the cloud and desktop. If you were to move to the cloud, it will only update for the year you are in. It is behaving how it was designed in the desktop.

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    AgExpert Accounting Specialist commented
    November 21, 2023 02:29

    This feature was delivered in the cloud software in October of 2023. In the cloud you are able adjust the enterprise percentage for each fiscal year, along with specifying the enterprise split at the transaction level if required.