AgExpert Accounting Ideas

Add description to General Ledger , as of now description is supplier , not transaction detail

General Ledger report only shows supplier , not what the transaction was , when reviewing report , unable to drill in to check for corrections , have to go out of report and go to actual transaction entry to see what it was for .

  • Guest
  • Sep 6 2020
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  • Guest commented
    16 Apr 18:14

    I appreciate your clarification on how I can read/use my general ledger better.
    The drill in to blue sections of transactions is very helpful.
    You have answered my concern.

    Thank you!

  • Admin
    AgExpert Accounting Specialist commented
    16 Apr 15:45

    For additional context, the supplier is pulled for the bank accounts instead of the description as Analyst had a transaction description that would be pulled in. As Accounting doesn't have an overall transaction description, the supplier is used. When we are able to pull in a line description, we do that as well.

  • Admin
    AgExpert Accounting Specialist commented
    16 Apr 14:59

    Hello, please feel free to call our customer care number so that we can better understand this concern. Transactions can be clicked through using the blue hyperlink of the transaction number. The supplier shows on the description loan for bank accounts and liability accounts. Income and expense accounts will show the supplier and description for that line item on the initial transaction receipt.

    We continue to evolve our program and reports. If I'm misunderstanding your concern, please feel free to give us a call so that we can better address them.

  • Guest commented
    12 Apr 21:49

    For reference, its 2024 and these concerns have still not been addressed, changed or fixed in anyway. The above poster made this concern known in 2020!!!!

  • Guest commented
    12 Apr 21:48

    Highly frustrating! 90% of the time I'm looking at entry descriptions vs "supplier" when looking through transactions. Its so inconvenient I almost want to go back to the desktop version.