"Hello, I have a suggestion. There are 4 tabs under employees. Only one, DETAILS, shows the employee's name. I have 25 SAWP employees, all similar set up, and when I am looking for something like payroll ytd totals, or any other information, the employee's name does not appear on the screen. I forget who I am looking for and have to go back to zDETAILS to see. Can you find away for the employee's name to be carried over to each screen?
Also, is there a way (or perhaps you can create one) to copy the details to a new employee set up? Obviously name, birthdate, hire date and SIN cannot be copied but the deductions, TD1 codes, job title, etc could be.
Finally, when I go to enter a payroll hours amount or a deduction amount the field is previously populated with a zero. It doesn''t go away when I entre a number so I have to backspace to get rid of it. This is a nuisance - I quite often enter a number and the second decimal place doesn't get recognized as it stays a zero, and if I dpn't notice then the wrong number gets saved.
Hopefully you see these as worthwhile and these are easy to adjust. Thank you,"
Some of these requests will come early in the new year. Thank you for the feedback!