AgExpert Accounting Ideas

Payroll enhancements (employee template/copy feature, misc improvements)

"Hello, I have a suggestion. There are 4 tabs under employees. Only one, DETAILS, shows the employee's name. I have 25 SAWP employees, all similar set up, and when I am looking for something like payroll ytd totals, or any other information, the employee's name does not appear on the screen. I forget who I am looking for and have to go back to zDETAILS to see. Can you find away for the employee's name to be carried over to each screen?

Also, is there a way (or perhaps you can create one) to copy the details to a new employee set up? Obviously name, birthdate, hire date and SIN cannot be copied but the deductions, TD1 codes, job title, etc could be.

Finally, when I go to enter a payroll hours amount or a deduction amount the field is previously populated with a zero. It doesn''t go away when I entre a number so I have to backspace to get rid of it. This is a nuisance - I quite often enter a number and the second decimal place doesn't get recognized as it stays a zero, and if I dpn't notice then the wrong number gets saved.

Hopefully you see these as worthwhile and these are easy to adjust. Thank you,"

  • Guest
  • Oct 15 2024
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